The NFT divison of 50 art 50 is splited in 2 class . While they both respect the same rules, the 50 art 50 1ST class collection are our own productions that we use to grow this project. By buying à NFT from the 1ST class collection, you help us create a ecosystem where every artists will be able to focus on what they are born for : create arts.
Gold has always been a great symbol of wealth.
Also, Gold never really interested me (as color) but one day, after a difficult period in my life, times became better, and Gold suddenly came to me, in my daily life and especially in my art! This symbol has become above all, for me, a symbol of perseverance, achievement, inner strength and courage. Just like ''the gold rush'', life can sometimes be difficult, happiness can seem impossible to reach, and like in a mine, our vision can be reduced by darkness, but with enough perseverance, enough light illuminating our inner strength, digging deep enough within us to extract courage, everything end up being possible, even easy and pleasant, yes, in this precious thing called, Life!
Sork directeur artistique 50 art 50
6/6 minted ( 100% )
After months of hard work, Lord Sork is ready to show the word what handraws NFTs are about to become ! For this first edition of Boxed Parts, we bring you in the strange world of BioBeton.