Ops BioBéton


The world of BioBéton, a place merging the organic and artificial in chaotic disharmony, took shape amidst an atmosphere of sulfur and rust. Towering over it all was the sinister silhouette of the Mechanical Tree, its tentacle-like roots forming a complex maze, with ruthless entities reigning: the red sentinels. Their incandescent irises ceaselessly swept the stark landscape, hunting a pocket of resistance whose soft emerald hue evoked a distant past of chlorophyll and light.

At the heart of this oppression, the green guardians, the last bearers of an ancestral heritage, possessed a unique gift. They had the power to breathe life into the heart of BioBéton, to sprout impossible greenery from the cold, gray matter. This power was seen as a threat by the red sentinels, whose energy thrived on the dark soot of the Mechanical Tree. These relentless guardians were capable of absorbing the very essence of life through their voracious gaze, which drove their relentless pursuit of the green guardians.

A group of green guardians, juvenile but audacious, dared to navigate through this maze of tentacular roots and mechanical towers, breathing life around them despite the imminent danger of the red sentinels. Every movement was perilous, every propagation of life a colossal challenge, for the maze was imbued with an energy that inhibited their life-giving gift.

As life gradually wormed its way through the crevices of BioBéton, the red sentinels faced a bewildering reality. The taste of the black soot, which was once so appealing to them, became less savory as life bloomed. The green spots seeping through the concrete, the air becoming heavy with the subtle scent of growth, all of this shook their perception of the world.

In this dystopian and mystical universe, the green guardians continue to instill hope in the heart of BioBéton. Through their courage and their indomitable love for life, they may one day transform this world of desolation into a haven of greenery. And perhaps, through their silent struggle, they might convince the red sentinels that life, with all its colors and scents, is much more appetizing than the black soot of the Mechanical Tree.


ddLe monde de BioBéton, un lieu fusionnant l'organique et l'artificiel dans une disharmonie chaotique, prit forme au milieu d'une atmosphère de soufre et de rouille. Dominant ce paysage, la silhouette sinistre de l'Arbre Mécanique se dressait, ses racines tentaculaires formant un labyrinthe complexe, où régnaient des entités impitoyables : les sentinelles rouges. Leurs iris incandescents balayaient sans cesse le paysage austère, traquant une poche de résistance dont la douce teinte émeraude évoquait un passé lointain de chlorophylle et de lumière.

Au cœur de cette oppression, les gardiens verts, derniers porteurs d'un héritage ancestral, possédaient un don unique. Ils avaient le pouvoir d'insuffler la vie au cœur de BioBéton, de faire éclore une végétation impossible à partir de la matière froide et grise. Ce pouvoir était perçu comme une menace par les sentinelles rouges, dont l'énergie prospérait grâce à la suie noire de l'Arbre Mécanique. Ces gardiens implacables étaient capables d'absorber l'essence même de la vie par leur regard vorace, ce qui alimentait leur poursuite inlassable des gardiens verts.

Un groupe de gardiens verts, jeunes mais audacieux, osaient naviguer à travers ce labyrinthe de racines tentaculaires et de tours mécaniques, insufflant la vie autour d'eux malgré le danger imminent des sentinelles rouges. Chaque mouvement était périlleux, chaque propagation de vie un défi colossal, car le labyrinthe était imprégné d'une énergie inhibant leur don vital.

Alors que la vie se frayait progressivement un chemin à travers les fissures de BioBéton, les sentinelles rouges étaient confrontées à une réalité déconcertante. Le goût de la suie noire, autrefois si attrayant pour elles, devenait moins savoureux à mesure que la vie fleurissait. Les taches vertes s'infiltrant à travers le béton, l'air devenant lourd du parfum subtil de la croissance, tout cela ébranlait leur perception du monde.

Dans cet univers dystopique et mystique, les gardiens verts continuent d'insuffler l'espoir au cœur de BioBéton. Par leur courage et leur amour indomptable pour la vie, ils pourraient un jour transformer ce monde de désolation en un havre de verdure. Et peut-être, à travers leur lutte silencieuse, pourraient-ils convaincre les sentinelles rouges que la vie, avec toutes ses couleurs et ses parfums, est bien plus appétissante que la suie noire de l'Arbre Mécanique.

Ops : BioBéton

Client : Montana-Cans Canada

Location : Québec city, Canada

ission Type : Public Exposure

Event Name : Passage Murale

Striking window : august 8 2023 10h00 - august 13 2023 0h00.

other information : This is the first international mural festival of québec city. Montana-Cans want to be sure our culture gain exposure by creating the biggest and most amazing mural of the entire place.. We want to show the word what we are capable of.

Writer in Charge


In the harsh reality of BioBéton, the visionary Sork rises as the Grand Architect of the green guardians. Born in a world now distant, he brings his 30-year experience of creating enigmatic, surrealistic, dark, yet colorful and dramatic works of art into this post-apocalyptic universe.

Sork's role extends beyond creating visually appealing art. He crafts intricate murals on the monochrome walls of BioBéton, merging the aesthetic of the old world with the vibrant energy of life. Every stroke of his brush, every burst of his aerosol can, imbues the landscape with the profound emotions he wishes to convey. His artworks aren't just about aesthetics - they are stories, messages, and journeys of the mind, creating a striking contrast with the desolate world around him.

The Mechanical Tree, with its somber energy, becomes his canvas. He imbues its lifeless form with colors, eliciting awe and wonder even amidst the despair. His creations bewilder the red sentinels, bringing a slice of the unknown into their rigid, unchanging world.

As the Grand Architect, Sork guides the other green guardians, helping them harness their artistic talents to the fullest. He provides them with the strategy and direction to propagate life across BioBéton, making him the backbone of the green resistance.

Each mural, each artwork created by Sork, is a testament to his unyielding spirit and indomitable will. Through his vividly surreal creations, Sork instills hope and determination into the hearts of the green guardians and the very fabric of BioBéton.

Deployed Squad

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